This site is a collection of nicknames, which is designed to simplify the selection and coming up with a unique, does not yet exist nickname, such as the social network Facebook, for games, Tagged, and other sites and services. You can choose a category, such as girls or boys, for Skype or Twitter, watch nicknames of these columns, try to use one of them, or slightly adjusted.
Nickname - what is it?It is noticed that looking examples of nicknames, you can greatly enhance their understanding protsesa inventing, thereby reducing the time spent on it, and find for themselves the most beautiful and unique nickname.
Shira's friend Ken (aka Kendog, Kenjamin, Kenny) has tons of nicknames. Today he teaches us how to come up with cool nicknames of our own.
Unique nickname may be necessary if you are tired of constantly coming up with new nicknames, check on various websites and forums. In addition, the unique nickname, provided your popularity on the resource, allow to acquire a certain notoriety in the network, sometimes even become an Internet meme. For a truly unique nickname - it's like a trademark, or company name, so you should approach his choice with full responsibility - perhaps a similar nickname will serve you faithfully for many years.
How did come up with a completely unique nickname, if most meaningful short words to popular resources have long been engaged in agile kiberksvotterami? The answer is simple - the nickname for something unique and that have not been previously illuminated.
Your imagination has to work much better than the wretched thoughts of there hunter domains and logins. Invent new words - neologisms, consisting of one or two words, for example, Megakoder, Terraformer, Blackwater, and others, never use the word. You can check the uniqueness of his nickname, coined by typing the word you in the search engines.
As an example, a nickname known network encoder Annimon. After acquiring popularity among programmers, he registered himself site, domain which naturally was not anyone busy because of the uniqueness nickname. The word Annimon practically has no value if separate it from the individual programmer, but together they make up almost a brand of Russian-speaking community J2ME programmers.